Truefoam 300
TrueFoam 300 combines an R-value of 4.26 per inch (RSI of 0.75 per 25mm) with high moisture resistance and Type 4 compressive strength. These characteristics allow TrueFoam 300 to serve a wide range of insulation applications, such as cavity walls, frame walls, underslab and masonry wall interiors and exteriors.
Physical Properties
Analyses show that TrueFoam 300 Type 3 Expanded Polystyrene is comparable to other competitive materials, such as Styrospan extruded polystyrene.
TrueFoam 300 is the most cost-effective product for applications requiring high R-value and moisture resistance.
Physical Properties Requirements
This table provides a comparison of the Physical Properties of Dow SM and TrueFoam 300 under the requirements of CAN / ULC –S701 - 2005.
Truefoam 300
- Test results provided by Intertek ETL SEMKO
- Manufactured in compliance with CAN/ULC-S701-2005
- CCMC Evaluation #13317-L
- CAN/ULC tested for fire resistance as per: CAN/ULC-S101-M, CAN/ULC-S107-M, CAN/ULC-S126-M
NOTE: All TrueFoam EPS is manufactured with BASF Styropor and is certified by Warnock Hersey
Under certification #L22439, CCMC# 13317-L